

About ddchem

Founded in 2003, ddchem is Italy’s lead in production of epoxy systems and hot melt polyamides. With its high-tech laboratories and plants, ddchem’s products serve many different industries and is renowned for its efficiency and high quality. At De Monchy International, we are proud to introduce you to ddchem’s products.

ddchem's products

Among ddchem’s products are curing agents, formulated epoxy resins, hardeners and hot melt polyamides. These are applied in flooring, paints, civil engineering, adhesives and composites. Curious if a ddchem product can be used for your purposes? Ask our experts.

High-tech; high quality

As said, ddchem is renowned for its high-tech approach of producing their products. This, their precision and vast knowledge are what gives ddchem’s products their high quality.

De Monchy International & ddchem

De Monchy International is a proud partner of ddchem. We are well-informed on the products and their associated characteristics, as well as the means of application. Find out how ddchem's products can benefit your business by inquiring our team of experts.

How can Total’s products enhance your business?

De Monchy International relies on its team of specialists. They provide you with answers to all questions concerning coatings, adhesives, thermoplastics, waxes and food ingredients. We count on an excellent network: we connect prominent manufacturers to clients. Our motivation is attending to what you and your company need.

Doing business with De Monchy International offers you:

  • A team of knowledgeable specialists
  • Expert advice
  • The best solution to your specific needs
  • Highest quality products
  • Highest quality service
  • An excellent supply chain
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