Purging Tech Tip from Dyna Purge!

Written by Tony van Bronckhorst on 22 November 2020Time to read: 1 minute

Who spilled the pepper?

Most processors have experienced black specking that leads to high failure rates. The cause of this is the degradation of the material, due to long residence time in the cylinder.

The base polymer, colorant, or even an additive to your material can degrade, causing black specks. Thermal degradation is caused by the presence of oxygen and heat in your screw and barrel. During production, oxygen is minimized as the system remains full of thermoplastics. When there is a shutdown or interruption, the screw and barrel will be empty with heats on, causing degradation. Depending on the polymers and additives used, this can occur very quickly.

However, you can keep the occurrence of problems, including black specs, to a minimum. Before turning off the machine, flush the cylinder completely with the correct type of Dyna Purge. When the Dyna Purge comes "clean" out of the nose, the machine can be lowered to 100 ºC or turned off completely.

Closing and starting up with Dyna Purge offers you great advantages compared to sealing with plastic. This cleaning compound is designed with the main purpose of removing plastic from the system. It is heat resistant and formulated to remove residues of plastic from the cylinder and screw wall, resulting in a clean system when starting your machine. No more pepper (black specs) to be found.

A tip from our partner Dyna Purge: Seal that screw and barrel and save the pepper for dinner.

Stop waiting, start producing!

Author: Robert Grzegorek, Global Technical Services Manager at Dyna Purge

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