3 tips concerning the UFI Code by De Monchy International

Written by Maximilian Fanger on 19 December 2019Time to read: 2 minutes

On January 1st, 2021, the extended regulations of the Classification Labelling Packaging (CLP), the UFI Code, will take effect within the European Union. The UFI Code is an abbreviation for Unique Formula Identifier and sees to it that information about CLP classified mixtures reaches the poison control centers of the country of import. It is important to know that without this UFI Code, products are prohibited to be sold or bought. To prevent this from happening, De Monchy International would like to provide you with three tips.

Who is responsible for passing on the UFI Code?

The answer is simple: the company which imports the products to the EU market. The company must ensure that both the product is registered and the corresponding UFI Code is provided to the poison control center. In case of an alteration in a product’s composition outside permitted ranges, it is obliged to request a new UFI Code. Then, the code must be passed on to the poison control center, along with all background information.

What are the obligations toward the country of import?

When imported into the EU, it is vital that the UFI Code for classified mixtures is labeled on the concerning product. It is expected that the company responsible for importing the product, will also notify the poison control center. While handing out this information, it is important to check which languages are required. For instance, in Italy, UFI Codes are mandatory in both Italian and English. If this is not the case, the application will be disapproved, barring your product from the market. However, please note that the assigned language to the UFI Code can still be changed. This means that in the future, it could be possible that information is allowed to be provided in English only.

What are the risks?

Whenever a person is exposed to a classified mixture (exposure to skin or eyes, oral exposure or by inhaling), the hospital will immediately call the poison control center to provide first aid. When an incorrect UFI Code is provided, chances are that the hospital cannot properly treat this person, or not at all. Therefore, it is paramount that the proper UFI Code is labeled and registered in coherence with the right information on classified mixtures.

If you have any questions concerning these new regulations, please do not hesitate to ask our specialist, Roxane Dekker.

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