Brazilian Carnauba wax farmers are a priority for De Monchy International

Written by Timo Ouwendijk on 21 November 2019Time to read: 2 minutes

One of our raw materials, Carnauba wax, comes from Brazil. Carnauba wax is used in a wide variety of products we use daily. For example: car wax, candy, cosmetics, chewing gum and pharmaceutical tablets. To keep the Carnauba wax business going, it is vital to keep the Carnauba Palms in healthy condition. It is no coincidence they are called “the trees of life”.

From tree to wax

To preserve the Carnauba Palms, one thing is most important: our Brazilian farmers. They have the knowledge and the capabilities to let the Carnauba Palm grow to its maximum potential: a dazzling height of 14 meters. Its leaves are equally important. These are harvested each year in order to extract Carnauba. New leaves start growing that very same year.

The leaves of the Carnauba Palm contain wax powder. For optimal extraction of this powder, the leaves are bruised and then refined. Our Brazilian partners, such as Agrocera, Pontes, Foncepi and Carnauba DO Brazil, turned out to use citric acid instead of hydrogen peroxide in their last stage of refinement. This makes our Carnauba wax Organic Carnauba wax.

100% Organic

Apart from this, we make sure that during tree growth there will be no use of pesticides, genetic modification or other agents. The tree must remain 100% organic.

Improved living conditions for farmers

The farmers are a priority for De Monchy International. Through our support in several projects, in collaboration with the Public Ministry of Labor in Brazil, we want to improve the living conditions of Carnauba wax farmers.

Do you want to know more about the Brazilian Carnauba wax farmers in our Supply Chain? Watch the video below!

Carnauba 4Carnauba 4Carnauba 4Carnauba 4

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