Changes in laws and regulations concerning epoxy can offer advantages!

Written by Dominique van den Berge on 30 October 2019Time to read: 3 minutes

Over the past few years, many things have changed in the field of laws and regulations concerning the use of epoxy in floor systems. The chemical industry deals with the REACH regulation, an elaboration of the SVHC list and VOC requirements. Next to this, BPA and possible health risks still are subject of debate. Did you know that by choosing a epoxy resin that is free of BPA, you meet all these rules and regulations? Above that, you will keep the same, or even improve its application properties. For example, water spot resistance.

Applying epoxy systems responsibly

The SVHC list says BPA and other chemicals are either proven to be harmful to health or suspect of being so. Thankfully, there are alternatives available which enable you to work responsibly with the least harming variant of epoxy floor coating. Still, be advised to follow the instructions as described in the safety guidelines.

Zero emission or VOC free flooring

By meeting the several emission standards, long-term chemical release is reduced. This contributes to a healthier indoor climate. By complying to the German emission standard AgBB this kind of epoxy systems stand for VOC free.

Water-soluable epoxy and resins

One of the developments within the current laws and regulations is water-soluble epoxy coating. This is used more and more, because its advantages have also been noticed in concrete floor primers and roll-on epoxy. These can easily be diluted with water. Water-soluble epoxy coatings are emission-free, contribute to a better indoor climate, have a satin finish and dry quickly. Next to this, they feature all the properties of classic epoxy: such as being dust-proof, wear-resistant, liquid-tight, non-slip and vapor permeable.

Want to know more about epoxy coatings?

Did reading the above make you excited about epoxy? Do you want to know more about the possibilities epoxy have to offer? Please contact Shaimaa! With her expertise, she can supply you with everything you need to know about epoxy coatings. Contact her here »


REACH regulation
REACH is a European regulation concerning production and trade of chemicals. It prescribes obligations which companies and governments must meet. REACH stands for Registration, Evalutation, Autorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. This regulation applies to all countries within the EU. (Rijksoverheid, 2019)

SVHC list
When a material is identified as a substance of very high concern (SVHC), it can be included in this list. The SVHC list qualifies substances for mandatory authorization and can lead to certain legal obligations for importers, manufacturers and suppliers of products that contain such a substance. (European Chemicals Agency, 2019)

VOC requirements
Due to possible negative effects on both environment and public health of chemicals, we have the Volatile Organic Compounds regulations. These are applicable to many products, especially those used indoors where concentrations of vapor are generally high, but also for lacquers and paint. (SGS, 2019)

Bisfenol A (BPA) is a chemical substance which is part of epoxy resins. It can also be found in plastic products like building materials, electronics, bottles and toys. Next to this, BPA is used in packaging materials such as plastic bottles and cans. (Voedingscentrum, 2019)

This German regulation counts as the strictest of norms for the emission of volatile organic compounds. Complying to this norm means the product fulfills strict rules concerning emission. In other words: a product’s emissions of volatile organic compounds cannot pose a threat to the indoor climate when this regulation is met.

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