PC/ABS Compounds

Polycarbonate-Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (PC-ABS) Compounds

Polycarbonate-Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (PC-ABS) compounds are engineered plastic materials that combine PC and ABS resins with various additives and modifiers to achieve specific properties and performance characteristics. PC-ABS blends offer a balance of the properties of both PC and ABS, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.


PC-ABS compounds are used in numerous applications across various industries, including:

  • Building & Construction: PC-ABS compounds are used in various building and construction applications, such as door handles, window frames, and architectural panels. Their durability, impact resistance, and weatherability make them suitable for outdoor and structural components.
  • Energy: In the energy sector, PC-ABS compounds can be employed in electrical enclosures, power distribution components, and energy-efficient lighting fixtures due to their electrical insulation properties and flame resistance.
  • Automotive: PC-ABS is widely used in the automotive industry for interior and exterior parts. It is used in dashboard components, trim, interior panels, and exterior grilles due to its excellent impact resistance, heat resistance, and ease of processing.
  • Packaging: PC-ABS can be used in packaging applications where impact resistance and rigidity are essential. It can be found in packaging containers, protective cases, and transport packaging solutions.
  • Cosmetics & Care: PC-ABS compounds are used for cosmetic and personal care product packaging, providing an attractive appearance and robustness.
  • Transportation: PC-ABS materials are employed in various modes of transportation, including buses, trains, and recreational vehicles, for interior and exterior components. These can include interior panels, seat components, and exterior body parts.
  • E&E (Electrical and Electronics): PC-ABS is suitable for electronic enclosures, equipment housings, and consumer electronic casings. Its electrical insulation properties and impact resistance make it valuable in this industry.
  • Sports & Leisure: PC-ABS compounds can be found in sports equipment, such as helmets, protective gear, and recreational items like luggage due to their impact resistance and lightweight characteristics.
  • Industrial: In industrial applications, PC-ABS materials can be used for equipment housings, machine components, and protective covers due to their durability and chemical resistance.
  • Consumer Goods: Various consumer goods benefit from PC-ABS's properties, including home appliances, power tools, and toys. Its versatility and impact resistance make it suitable for these applications.
  • Aviation: PC-ABS may be used in the aviation industry for cabin interiors, including panels, trim, and seating components, due to its flame resistance and lightweight properties.
  • Healthcare: PC-ABS compounds are utilized in healthcare equipment and devices, including medical equipment housings, device casings, and diagnostic tools.
  • Infrastructure: In infrastructure projects, PC-ABS may find applications in outdoor signage, lighting fixtures, and protective barriers due to its weather resistance.
  • Furniture: PC-ABS can be used in furniture components, especially in designs that require durability and aesthetic appeal.

Unique Properties

PC-ABS compounds offer unique properties and advantages, including:

  • Impact Resistance: They exhibit excellent impact resistance, making them suitable for applications where durability and safety are important.
  • Heat Resistance: PC-ABS compounds maintain heat resistance properties, allowing them to withstand elevated temperatures without deformation.
  • Aesthetic Qualities: They offer good surface finish and are easily molded with intricate details, making them suitable for products with aesthetic requirements.
  • Electrical Insulation: PC-ABS compounds have effective electrical insulating properties, enhancing their use in electronic applications.
  • Chemical Resistance: They offer resistance to many chemicals and solvents, increasing their durability in various environments.

Alternative for

The choice of using PC-ABS compounds depends on specific application requirements, including a balance of impact resistance, heat resistance, and surface aesthetics. Alternatives may include other engineering thermoplastics like polycarbonate (PC), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), or other blends, depending on the desired characteristics and cost considerations. The selection is influenced by factors such as the intended use, regulatory requirements, and the need for specific material properties. PC-ABS compounds are preferred when their unique combination of properties aligns with the application's needs, particularly in industries where these properties are critical, such as automotive and electronics.

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