Demand for high-performance recycled plastic is growing

Geschrieben von Paul Hendriks An 23 Februar 2021Lesezeit: 1 Minute

Shockingly, only nine percent of all the plastic is being recycled and 91% of all the plastic produced will stay for more than 400 years harming the environment, humans, and other species. The plastic mainly ends up in landfills (even on the Mount Everest plastic litter was found) and in oceans all over the world. 

Not only is plastic waste harmful, also the production should be closely looked at. Industrial processes cause two billion tons of carbon dioxide emission every year. For example, in order to produce a kilogram of PA6 virgin compounds, 6.5 kilogram of CO2 EQ is released into the atmosphere. CO2 EQ is created through the extaction of oil, transportation and refinement.


Therefore, also the demand for high-performance recycled plastics is expected to grow exponentially in the next decade. The recycling and remanufacturing of plastics is essential for creating a healthier environment for people and planet with less carbon emissions. For example, manufacturers such as Volvo, Renault and Philips are targeting recycled content of 20% and more in their products in the coming years.

Do you recognize this change within your organization?

We can imagine that this might be a challenging, sustainable change in processes or products for your organization. What is your current solution to this sustainable switch or what motivates your organization to strive for plastic recycled products? Contact our specialist Paul Hendriks for more information.

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