World challenge: carbon emissions

Geschrieben von Shaimaa El-Fayyoumy An 2 November 2020Lesezeit: 1 Minute

Global temperatures have been increasing due to inter alia human emission of greenhouse gases (CO2), nitrous oxide, and methane. This causes the climate to change rapidly and therefore becomes one of the world’s biggest challenges. It causes potential ecological-, physical-, and health impacts creating, for example, a loss of biodiversity.

What are exactly carbon emissions?

When talking about carbon emissions, we are focussing specifically on carbon dioxide. CO2 is naturally released into the atmosphere in many different ways. For example, one of the largest sources of natural carbon emissions comes from the exchange of carbon dioxide between the ocean and the atmosphere.

We release an additional amount of carbon and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere caused by transportation and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil, as examples. We even cut down large expanses of CO2 absorbing trees, causing even more carbon dioxide and effectively removing the natural systems that absorb and store carbon.

How does your company experience these challenges?

De Monchy recognises this challenge and believes that the government and businesses have a leading role in controlling climate change and global warming. How is your company currently handling carbon emissions? Contact Shaimaa El Fayyoumy or Erik Colstee, who are part of the innovation team at the Monchy International BV, for more information.

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